The Woodland Chapel Baptist Church was founded in 1869 by Solomon Hockaday (who donated the land upon which the congregation’s place of worship was built), Tony Mangum, and Dock Alston.
According to the late William Howard Estes, a descendant of one of the founders (Solomon Hockaday), the members first worshiped under a brush arbor, which is an open-sided shelter with a roof of brush or cut branches.
What were our founders thinking as they worshiped there? Was it a momentary escape from the cares of the world or did they think of the future? One must wonder if they had any inkling when they gathered there under that brush arbor, that 150 years later what they founded would still be in existence. Such a small and humble beginning should not be despised but honored because it shows the power of God to sustain and to multiply. To have worshiped there took great faith and has influenced the lives of many.